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  • Valentina Solci

A Quick Guide to Food Combining

Pairing food groups for more efficient digestion

Hey everyone,

Food combining is the idea that certain food groups pair better together than others. The goal is to promote better health and digestion.

This form of meal planning has roots stemming back to the Ayurvedic medicine of ancient India. Today, two main beliefs behind it is that: (1) different foods are digested at different speeds and (2) different foods require different enzymes, which work at different pH levels (acidity levels), to be broken down. With this in mind, "if two foods require different pH levels, the body cannot properly digest both at the same time" (Healthline).

Let's begin by identifying the main food groups:

  1. Fruits: blueberries, peaches, cherries, etc.

  2. Vegetables: asparagus, kale, carrots, etc.

  3. Carbohydrates and starches: takes about 2-3 hours to digest. Examples- potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, etc.

  4. Dairy and dairy alternatives: milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.

  5. Protein: takes about 4 hours to digest. Examples- salmon, chicken, eggs, quinoa, beans, etc.

  6. Fat: oils and spreads

Common rules:

  1. Eat fruits on an empty stomach

  2. Vegetables combine with everything

  3. Combine protein and vegetables

  4. Combine starches and vegetables

  5. Combine fats with proteins OR fats with starches

  6. Do not combine starches and proteins

Sample meal schedule:

  1. Breakfast: blueberries and peaches (fruits)

  2. Lunch: avocado with brown rice and vegetables (fat, starch, vegetables)

  3. Afternoon snack: smoothie (fruits and non-dairy milk)

  4. Dinner: chicken with a kale salad (protein and vegetables)

Testing out food combining can be a fun and creative way to be more thoughtful about your daily food consumption. Click here to watch this quick and informative video on food combining to learn more and get some ideas on recipes.

Love always and forever,



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